Photo: Dave & Alice D'Amicol
Active: Yes
Characteristics: Flashing white every five seconds (originally).
Height: 96 feet, 138 steps
DayMark: Rust-colored, square, pyramidal skeletal tower with black top (originaly all black)
History: Constructed in 1887. First Lighted September 15, 1887. Deactivated in 1985. On National Historic Register listing.
Lens: Original: Third-order revolving Fresnel lens; Henry-LePaute. Present: None. Focal Plane: 84 feet.
Construction: Architect unknown. Fabricated by Colwell Iron works in New York City. Iron, skeletal tower constructed of cement and iron.
Other Buildings: Oil house and cistern.
Coordinates: 28 10 02 N
82 50 44 W
Operated by: State of Florida (Gulf Islands GEO Park)
Visit Status: Private Aid to Navigation, No Access
Facilities: None, no handicap access
Visitor Info: The state is just taking over this lighthouse as part of a State Park in the Anclote National Wildlife Refuge. At present, the lighthouse and oil house have been restored. It was re-lighted September 13, 2003. Funding for restoration of the keepers houses has begun. The lighthouse is off-limits at this time. Contact:
Anclote Key Preserve State Park
Scott Robinson
Gulf Islands GEO Park
#1 Causeway Dr
Dunedin, FL 34698
Email: mailto:dephoney@gte.net
Website: www.Anclotecso.com
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